Expansion of our Universe has been accelerating for a long time – but a much recent phenomenon is expansion of the Digital/Data Universe. The data around us is predicted to double every two years!
There is data everywhere – we are literally flooded with data in businesses – and always trying to increase our ability to create real value our firms and our customers out of this data deluge.
Biz Algo Systems is primarily focused on enabling our clients to make business sense from these PEZY bytes of data around them…
This vast ocean of data is continuously expanding through the connected set of devices, PCs, RFIDs, Traffic cams, blogs etc – and this data comes in a very heterogenous forms. It could be text, video, image, document or some other format.
The true challenge facing business leaders is to enhance the value they create for their customers through the hidden insights this data is presenting – finding patterns, deriving meaning, making decisions or responding more intelligently to the world.